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SCRCA Winter Workshop - New Beginnings: Rising Together
1/10/2025 - 1/10/2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST

Event Description

The Winter Workshop is a full day of professional learning and connection. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn 5 CEUS while learning from presenters from diverse counseling settings and specializations.  A wide variety of programs will be offered to reach counseling professionals and students from all settings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for registered attendees.

Date, time, and location:
January 10, 2025, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm;  Our Lady of the Lake University, 411 SW 24th St, San Antonio, TX 78207

Pricing (registration fees are non-refundable): 
Member cost - $50
Non-member cost – $75 ($50 for workshop, $25 applied to membership fee);
Non-member: retired and student - $65 ($50 for workshop, $15 applied to membership fee)

For further questions or information please contact 
Elias Zambrano (SCRCA President) and Rebecca Hudkins (SCRCA President-Elect) at

NOTE: SCRCA is the hosting organization and Dr. Carla Smith, a member of the SCRCA executive board will serve as CE provider for this event. Please direct all questions regarding this event to SCRCA directly at  


Attendees can choose from a variety of breakout sessions to include the following: 

  • Frequently "Transgressed" Ethical Standards in Professional Counseling 
  • Toolkit For First Year School Counselors 
  • Looking Towards TCA 2025 Legislative Advocacy Day: What Can Counselors Do to Prepare? 
  • Building Bounce: Effective Books, Lessons, Games, & Activities for Building Resilience Skills in Elementary Students 
  • The Social Determinants of Mental Health and Counseling Practice 
  • Disordered Eating in Indian American Women: Raising Awareness for Counselors 
  • Introducing the New Texas Model, 6th Edition: Tools for Dynamic School Counseling Programs! 
  • The Texas Model for School Counselor Educators 
  • Transforming Clinical Supervision:  A Bicultural Model that Supports the Latino Community 
  • A Therapist's Perspective: Adolescent Grief Following Death by Suicide 
  • Energize and Engage: Transforming Counseling Lessons with Movement! 
  • Mental Health Related Concerns for Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Expansive Individuals in a Post-Dobbs America 
  • Using Virtual Reality in the School Counseling Setting 
  • Advocating for our Gender Expansive Clients, Colleagues, and Loved Ones: Navigating Providing Gender Affirming Care Where Trans Rights are Under Attack 
  • Lived Experiences of Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities 
The South Central Regional Counseling Association is proud to announce their benevolence project benefitting The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas (CBCST)! If you would like to make a donation to CBCST please take a look at their Amazon Wishlist and bring your item(s) to the workshop to place in our donation box. Thank you in advance for offering kindness to children and their families as counselors hold space for their grief journey and healing!  

CBCST Website 
CBCST Amazon Wishlist