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FREE: TxSAIGE Presents- Neuroqueering Your Clinical Practice
3/29/2024 - 3/29/2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST

Event Description
Autistic adults and members of the LGBTQIA+ community are two intersecting populations that are still widely underserved by the mental health profession. In this interactive virtual presentation, two 'actually autistic' clinicians will provide an overview of how queerness and
autism intersect, the impacts of minority stress on this population, the troubling similarities between common autism treatment and conversion therapy, and provide best practices for clinical work with queer autistic adults.

Presented by: Garreth Baldwin and Abigail Smith 
Date: 3/29/24
Time: 12 pm - 1 pm (webinar)
Event Cost: Free for members and non-members