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NETCA's 2024 Spring Mini Conference
4/19/2024 - 4/19/2024
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM CST

Event Description

Join us Friday, April 19, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Cost: $10 Students/Retirees $20 for full day for members. $50 for full day non-members (includes NETCA membership)
Visit our website to join or learn more information about our chapter.

Program Information:

9:00 a.m- 10:30 a.m
Multicultural Competence; Sustaining our Awareness and Identities
(1.5 CEU 

The counseling profession holds several values and ethical responsibilities. Of these values and responsibilities, honoring the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of an individual within their social and cultural context is highly important (ACA, 2014). In this session, the presenter shares the valuable lessons learned while navigating the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression within the counseling relationship (Ratts et al., 2016). Suggestions for maintaining a culturally sustaining identity will be explored, along with actionable advocacy strategies to heighten awareness, build community, and respect and protect the clients/students we serve.
Presented by Kendra Bircher

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Double Consciousness and Afro-Latinas: Navigating Multiple Identies (1.5 CEU)

In this presentation, we'll delve into the concept of double consciousness for Afro-Latinas, examining the challenges of navigating multiple identities and facing discrimination as Black, Latina, and a Woman. We'll explore its impact on mental health, discussing isolation, low self-esteem, and micro-aggressions. We'll highlight the crucial need for inclusive mental health resources, emphasizing dismantling systemic racism and boosting Afro-Latina representation for community well-being. 
Presented by Karen Giddings & Litza Bodden

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Pray On It: Examining OCD from a Multicultural Lens​
 (1.5 CEU)

OCD is vastly underreported in clients, and even worse in the BIPOC community. From a cultural perspective, the stigma surrounding mental health is real. This presentation explores OCD from a multicultural perspective, emphasizing the identification of OCD symptoms across diverse cultural backgrounds. It delves into assessing OCD through a multicultural lens and addresses barriers to treatment. Additionally, the content highlights the importance of respecting cultural nuances in OCD treatment approaches. Attendees will gain insights into navigating cultural considerations effectively within the context of OCD diagnosis and treatment.
Presented by Michelle Deal

All conference programs and workshops listed below are eligible for

LPC, NBCC, SBEC, LMFT, LCDC, SW, and Psychologist continuing education hours.