2025 TACES Conference Call for Proposals Conference Theme –Community Roots, Counseling Futures: Strengthening Bonds Through Counselor Education and Supervision The Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) is accepting program proposals for the 2025 Mid-Winter Conference, which will be held February 27-28, 2025, in Austin, Texas. The conference theme is Community Roots, Counseling Futures: Strengthening Bonds Through Counselor Education and Supervision. The conference aims to connect education and supervision practices with community needs, fostering stronger bonds within the counseling profession. The TACES MidWinter Conference is the premier conference for counselor educators and supervisors in Texas. TACES is soliciting proposals that will help conference attendees
Proposals should highlight collaboration with the community while also examining current and innovative practices within the field of counselor education and supervision to address society's changing needs. The proposal review committee will prioritize proposals demonstrating current, best, and innovative counselor education and supervision practices. Priority will be given to proposals with presenters who have terminal degrees. TACES encourages master’s and doctoral students to submit proposals with faculty members. The committee will review the proposals for evidence of theoretical foundations or research supporting the topic in the program synopsis. Session formats include 1.5 hour sessions, 1 hour sessions, roundtable discussions, and poster presentations.
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