Objective 1: Participants will: Define code-switching Identify the historical roots, psychological implications, and socio-cultural significance.
Objective 2: Participants will: Examine how code-switching affects the identity formation of African Americans. Discuss the complexities of navigating multiple linguistic and cultural contexts and the role of code-switching in shaping perceptions of self and others.
Objective 3: Participants will: Investigate the role of code-switching in societal and workplace contexts for African Americans. Identify and discuss challenges faced, such as stereotype threat and authenticity concerns, and strategies for promoting inclusivity and embracing linguistic diversity.
2:30-4:00pm Presenter Bret Hendricks 1.5 Ethics CE Credit (Ethics, Supervison)
Program Description-
Counselors and supervisors must constantly assess their effectiveness with clients and supervisees. In this session, the presenters will use ethics codes to guide counselors and supervisors to greater success. Practical boundary and counselor self-care strategies will also be discussed. Case studies will be used and participant discussion will be encouraged.
Learning Objectives:
1. After participating in this session, participants will be able to integrate and practice four strategies based on ethics codes to increase their therapeutic alliances with clients and supervisees.
2. After participating in this session, participants will be able to implement three strategies to identify a plan of action to assess their wellbeing in order to provide ethical counseling and supervision.
3. Participants will be able to, using the ACA Code of Ethics and the Texas LPC Rules of Practice General Ethical Requirements, describe at least three ways they can implement and maintain professional boundaries with clients and supervisees.