9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Central
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Divison & Chapter Events
Event Description
This is a full day workshop 9am-3pm. Additional programs and program times will be added as they are approved.

9:00-10:30am  Advocacy for Counselors-This presentation will provide best practices and strategies in advocacy for the counseling profession and for the well-being of individuals and groups. Advocacy for counselors is an ethical mandate for counselors, but one that is often seen as intimidating. We will break advocacy down so that every counselor will walk away ready to be an advocate for not only the upcoming legislative session, but for the
profession to everyone they meet!
Learning Objectives:
1. Attendees will be able to define advocacy as it relates to ethical codes, legislative and non-legislative advocacy, consumer/client advocacy, professional role advocacy, and group advocacy.
2. Attendees will discuss the qualities of advocates.
3. Attendees will be provided with strategies for advocating at the local, state, and national levels.

10:45am-12:15pm- Expand your leadership, expand your professional counselor skills 
Enhance your counseling experience with our leadership program! Discover the impact of servant leadership on the profession and counselor identity development. Through recent studies and new narratives, gain insights to enhance your skills in various leadership roles. Attendees will explore fiduciary responsibilities in both professional and volunteer contexts. Join us for an interactive session with TCA Past-President, Dr. Katherine Bacon, to strengthen your counselor identity, expand your service to clients and the community, and grow your professional skills through creative and impactful servant leadership. This program is ideal for counselors in all settings seeking professional growth.
Learning Objectives:
 1: Attendees will identify leadership traits they possess.
 2: Attendees will identify examples of how their leadership traits intersect with their professional counselor work.
 3: Attendees will list and describe at least three fiduciary responsibilities of counselor servant leadership and explain how they apply these responsibilities within both professional counselor work and volunteer settings.

1:30-3:00pm Trauma and its Aftershocks: Let the Journey Begin

Program Summary: Grief and Loss, Social Injustices, Abuse, Neglect, are just a few
traumatic events that may be impacting the students (clients) that we may serve.
Studies have shown that a majority of students that in classrooms have experienced at
least one traumatic event. We are aware that prevention is a necessity, but what do we
do about the students who are in a struggle at this moment? Let's observe this journey
by exploring trauma informed care in the educational settings.
Learning Objective 1: Participants will be able to identify benefits of incorporating trauma informed care in the school setting.
Learning Objective 2: Participants will be able to identify at least three skills for helping students who are struggling with the repercussions of trauma.
Learning Objective 3: Participants will be able to identify at least three negative impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Setting: In-Person
Region 8 ESC
4845 US HWY 271 N
Pittsburg, TX 75686

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